Amazon introduces 'Complementary Product Sets' for A+ Content

Amazon introduces 'Complementary Product Sets' for A+ Content

Amazon's latest A+ Content feature, 'Complementary Product Sets', allows sellers to display 2-4 additional products under 'Shop the brand collection' on product detail pages, facilitating cross-selling and upselling. This feature leverages the Market Basket Analysis report for optimal product pairing.

It is displayed under the title "Shop the brand collection" on the product detail page. It is located in the section where bundle-type features are shown, such as "Frequently bought together" or "Buy it with".

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Depending on the module, you can showcase 2-4 additional products on your page, giving you a great opportunity to cross-sell and upsell related products that are frequently purchased together. You can refer to the Market Basket Analysis report in Brand Analytics to determine which products are most commonly purchased together in your catalog.

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🥇 1st Contributor: Ed Mendez


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