Direct data transfer from Facebook Ads to BigQuery is now available

Direct data transfer from Facebook Ads to BigQuery is now available
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Meta has launched a new feature allowing the direct transfer of data from Facebook Ads into BigQuery, completely free of charge. This integration simplifies data analysis and reporting by enabling advertisers to stream Facebook Ads data directly into BigQuery using the standard Data Transfers functionality, eliminating the need for additional connectors or API support costs. To get started, users need to create a Facebook developer app and set up a Facebook Ads transfer in the Google Cloud console. The service automatically populates tables for AdAccounts, AdInsights, and AdInsightsActions, offering a comprehensive view of ad performance metrics. This development promises to enhance the way marketers analyze and leverage their Facebook Ads data for more informed decision-making.

Source: post

Author: Alex Ignatenko

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