Edit images with ChatGPT in DALL-E

Edit images with ChatGPT in DALL-E

OpenAI has announced new updates to DALL-E, its AI-driven image generation tool, now enabling users to edit images directly within the ChatGPT interface on both web and mobile platforms.

The updates also introduce preset style suggestions, ranging from woodcut to synthwave, aimed at sparking creativity and easing the image creation process for users. This development is part of OpenAI's efforts to make DALL-E more user-friendly and accessible, allowing for seamless adjustments and refinements to AI-generated images without needing to exit the chat interface.

Furthermore, in response to growing concerns over the trustworthiness of AI-generated content, DALL-E 3 has implemented watermarks and metadata on images to indicate their AI origin, although challenges remain in preventing misuse by malicious parties.

[The Verge]

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